Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography (DISCO)

October 20 to 24

Kona, HI

The Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography provides recent graduates, or soon to graduate, PhD-level chemical oceanographers with an opportunity to present their dissertation research in front of their professional peers and to forge professional relationships that will facilitate their future research and academic careers.

DISCO participants (currently 25 per meeting) are selected from universities all over the world, with a majority of attendees from U.S. universities. The number of participants to date (DISCO I – XXV) exceeds 640, and they were selected from an applicant pool that exceeded 80 eligible doctorates in recent years. At each meeting, a single senior scientist is invited to provide a keynote address and serve as a mentor during the meeting. This website incorporates links to past DISCO symposia (Click History above), showing the participants, the university that awarded their degree, and the year of their degree.

Symposium website: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/DISCO/ 



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