A Tour of the Ocean Acidification Information Exchange: GCAN Webinar Series

2 June, 2020, 8:00 am to 9:00 am PDT

The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Acidification Network (GCAN) proudly presents Julianna Mullen, the Community Manager of the Ocean Acidification Information Exchange (OAIE). The OAIE is an online community professionals involved with or interested in ocean and coastal acidification, dedicated to catalyzing response through the power of collaboration. Ms. Mullen will give an overview of the website, explain how individuals can join, and discuss how members can use the platform's tools to make the most of their membership. 

Pre-registration is not required. 

Join via your computer or smartphone by visiting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/251950469

You can also phone in by calling +1 (646) 749-3122 (Access Code: 251-950-469)

Learn more about GCAN and their ongoing webinar series by visiting https://gcoos.org/focus-areas/long-term-change/gcan/



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